(25 Test Strips) Clinitek Microalbumin Reagent Strips make it simple and easy to test patients with diabetes. Because testing for microalbuminuria can detect kidney disease in its early stages, physicians may begin intervention earlier than might otherwise have been possible. Clinitek Microalbumin Reagent Strips permit detection of elevated albumin sooner, more sensitively and more specifically than products designed for general protein testing. A dip-and-read urinalysis product available for the CLINITEK 50 and CLINITEK Status Analyzers CLINITEK Microalbumin Strips provide albumin, creatinine and albumin-to-creatinine ratio results in one minute. The CLINITEK Microalbumin product is useful to test for microalbuminuria in patients with diabetes or hypertension in order to detect early kidney disease. These strips are only for use on the Clinitek 50 and Clinitek Status Analyzers. See SEMDIA-1780-PROMO.