Drugs of Abuse Test DrugConfirm Advanced 5-Drug Panel AMP, COC, mAMP/MET, OPI, THC Urine Sample 25 Tests
- Results in 5 Minutes \n
- Up to 99% Accurate
- 41116146
- Reading type:
- visual read
- Manufacturer:
- Confirm Biosciences
- Manufacturer #:
- cb-dip-254
- Time to results:
- 5 minute results
- Test type:
- 5-drug panel
- Test name:
- amp coc mamp / met opi thc
- Brand:
- Drugconfirm Advanced
- CLIA classification:
- CLIA waived
- Test format:
- dip card
- Mckesson #:
- 1086763
- Number of tests:
- 25
- Application:
- drugs of abuse test
- Sample type:
- urine