Rapid Test Kit BreathTek UBT Infectious Disease Immunoassay H. Pylori Breath Sample 5 Tests
- BreathTek UBT is a noninvasive active testing option for initial diagnosis and post-treatment monitoring of H. pylori infection in patients ages 3 years and older. Active infection determination versus the presence of antibodies, as measured by serology \n
- BreathTek Urea Breath Test approved to Test and Treat patients in the same office visit or collect samples at multiple sites and courier them to a conveniently located machine. Guidelines recommend a test-and-treat strategy using noninvasive methods, such as UBT, for adults with uninvestigated dyspepsia \n
- Accuracy: 96% Sensitivity and 96% Specificity \n
- During the test, you simply breathe into a small collection bag to capture a base sample of your breath. Then, after drinking a specially formulated drug solution, you breathe into another collection bag. If there is an infection, the bacteria break the solution down into gasses that are measured in your exhaled breath \n
- The process only takes about 20 minutes \n
- Samples are good for 7 days