(100 Caps) Prevent septa push through and over- and under-tightening. With Advanced Vial Closure System (AVCS) technology built into 9 mm Thermo Scientific™ 9 mm Autosampler Vial Screw Caps and Septa you will get an optimal, consistent seal every time. With just one turn, they offer easy-on, easy-off convenience, and are a cost effective alternative to caps with bonded septa. The new National Target DP 9mm closures are designed to help chromatographers achieve more reliable and efficient sample analysis. Designed to accommodate nearly all chromatography autosamplers fitted for 12 x 32cm vial trays, the C5000 series closure effectively eliminates septa push-through and significantly enhances productivity and flexibility in the laboratory. At the core of the National Target DP 9mm C5000 series of closures is the Advanced Vial Closure System technology. Simply stated, AVCS allows your closure to perform like never before. The C5000 series closures are fully compatible with all of the C4000 series Target DP 9mm vials.
- Septa push through nearly eliminated due to improved interior geometry
- Increased sealing capability
- AVCS provides the freedom to select the best septum for your instrument and applications
- Cost efficient alternative to current choices for resolving push through (bonded septa)
- Optimized ergonomics, fine texturing and evenly spaced ribbing for superior handling even with poorly fitting gloves
- Rough edges have been eliminated making it easier and more comfortable to use while improving autosampler operation