URS 1G- Glucose Screening Tests

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(100 Strips per Bottle) URS 1G - Glucose Screening Test. Urinalysis test strip for detection and screening of Glucose in urine. FDA-Cleared, CLIA Waived, Over-the-Counter approved for home use. (FDA 510K#: K020175) Discount pricing available for purchases of 10 or more!
  • Collect a fresh urine sample in a clean, dry container preferably glass. First morning samples contain the highest concentration of target markers.
  • Remove one reagent strip from the bottle and immediately replace the container cap, minimizing the exposure of the remaining test strips to light and air.
  • Completely immerse the reagent pads of the strip in the urine sample and then remove immediately to avoid dissolving out the reagent pads.
  • While removing the reagent strip, run the edge of the strip against the rim of the specimen container to remove excess urine. Hold the strip in a horizontal position to prevent possible cross contamination of chemicals located in adjacent reagent pads.
  • Compare the color change of reagent pads to the corresponding color chart on the bottle label. Read results according to the chart's time frame for each panel tested.
  • Record the results of your readings for discussion and/or evaluation with your physician or healthcare provider and then discard the used reagent strip.